304-340-9000 info@charlestonmontessori.com | 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.


Charleston Montessori depends on your contributions to provide quality educational opportunities and scholarships to our students and the community.

At Charleston Montessori, we have many ways for parents and the community to contribute to our fundraising efforts. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, we depend on fundraising for the operation of our school. Tuition alone does not cover the cost of providing all the truly outstanding educational opportunities we wish for our children. All monetary gifts are documented by the school and are 100% tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Your help is welcome in our efforts to:
  • Provide an authentic Montessori education for our students.
  • Make Montessori education available and affordable to students in our community.
  • Fund lifetime scholarships for children with financial need.

Contribute to Charleston Montessori

Friends Fund

The Friends Fund is our annual giving campaign. Friends Fund proceeds are for the discretionary use of the school and give Charleston Montessori options that tuition and fees alone do not cover.

Friends Fund donations may be used for:

  • Scholarships for children of low-income families.
  • Classroom enhancements, including specialized Montessori materials and state-of-the-art technology.
  • Musical instruments, physical education equipment, and art supplies.
  • Outdoor learning spaces.
  • Educational field trips.
  • Faculty professional development.

Neighborhood Investment Program Credits

Charleston Montessori has been awarded a limited amount of Neighborhood Investment Program (NIP) tax credits for donations of $500 or more. The NIP is run by the West Virginia Department of Commerce and is designed to encourage charitable giving to local nonprofit organizations. Through the NIP, for a minimum donation of $500 you will receive a $250 state tax credit. This credit is a dollar-for-dollar credit against state personal income taxes, corporate income taxes, or business franchise taxes. In addition, the full $500 donation may be deducted on your federal income taxes as a charitable donation.

NIP donations to Charleston Montessori are used expressly to support and expand our scholarship program, which provides full scholarships (up to nine years of education) to children in financial need.

Kroger Rewards

With Kroger Community Rewards, you can support Charleston Montessori simply by using your Kroger Plus card. When you shop, a percentage is donated to Charleston Montessori School. To enroll, visit kroger.com/communityrewards. Sign in or click “create account” and select Charleston Montessori as your organization. Then use your Kroger Plus card as usual. Every quarter Charleston Montessori School receives a percentage of your purchases.

Amazon Smile

You can also support Charleston Montessori when you shop through Amazon Smile. Visit smile.amazon.com, log-in to your account, and designate Charleston Montessori as your organization. Each qualifying purchase earns Charleston Montessori School a percentage of the sale. Only purchases made from the smile.amazon.com link qualify, so make sure to add it to your favorites page.

Box Tops for Education

Charleston Montessori collects Box Tops for Education. If you would like to donate your box tops, you can drop them off at the Charleston Montessori School office or mail them to: 319 W. Washington St. Charleston, WV 25302.